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Ready To Quit Cigarettes?

This Simple Step By Step Online System Can Make Quitting Cigarettes Easy
- No Patches
- No Pills
- No Needles
- No Gum
- No Anxiety
- No Weight Gain
A Life-Changing, Empowering Simple System That Can Make Quitting Cigarettes Easy.
Happy Family

Introducing the Quit System

The Ultimate Method to Change Your Life

The Quit System, is a revolutionary advanced system that can make quitting cigarettes easy.  

Hosted by Rochelle Devereaux a certified quit cigarettes specialist with 15 years experience in helping hundreds of people just like you stop smoking for good. 


The Quit System uses a unique and life-changing blend of specialised coaching, meditation, and advanced NLP techniques allowing you to erase old patterns and beliefs, infuse new empowering habits to help you become a non-smoker for good.​

We Are So Confident In This Incredible System We Offer a 7 Day Money Back Guarantee

Family at a Beach

Here's How It Works...

We have 2 parts to our mind, our conscious and subconscious.  The conscious is our logical, rational thinking part of our mind where we have will power, goal setting and planning, we may feel this part of our mind is in control but if it were, we would decide to stop smoking, use our will power and quit smoking right now today.  How many times have you made the decision to quit cigarettes and a little voice (or loud persistent yell) says "not today, start tomorrow" or "go on just have one" that sabater is your sub conscious mind.  Our sub-conscious mind is the deeper level of mind that among other things makes our heart beat and our hair grow, it also protects you physically and emotionally. 


To understand this lets go back to the beginning...When and why did you start smoking?  Many started between the ages of 9-19, wanting to fit in, feel good/cool/loved/accepted in some way, apart from the initial taste and coughing, smoking most likely made you feel great and grown up so your subconscious mind, who's primary job is to protect you, linked pleasure to smoking, even now your subconscious mind likely still believes its protecting you from feeling bad, so is doing its job to protect you from feeling bad by sabotaging and doing its best to stop you from giving up smoking...theres also another piece to the puzzle...

Smoking Is A Habit...

Smoking is a habit.   Let me explain... When you first start doing something, you do it consciously.  You have to stop and think about it.  Remember when you learnt to drive a manual car? you had to think about turning the key, looking in your mirrors, pushing in the clutch, slowly pressing on the accelerator, undoing the handbrake, using your indicators etc. now you can drive down the road, tuning the radio, speaking to your passengers and listening to suri give you directions, all while sipping on your coffee, its all automatic or subconscious.  We can even pull into our driveway and wonder if the lights we just drove through were red or green.  Of course they were green, your subconscious mind was driving the car, keeping you safe, while you were consciously busily thinking and doing other things. 


Once something becomes a habit we also form automatic trigger responses, for eg. When you need to turn left you automatically flick on your indicator, when you see a red light, you stop. It's the same with smoking... you were not automatically smoking 20-50 cigarettes on your first day, you learnt how to hold the cigarette, suck on it, blow out the smoke etc.  Now you've formed automatic responses that are neurologically linked with smoking, for example cup of coffee/cigarette, alcoholic drink/cigarette, before you go somewhere, or when you arrive/cigarette, after sex/ get the point.  The key to quitting smoking permanently is simply becoming aware of your triggers (just like we erase an outdated program on our computer and get the new upgrade), to update your subconscious mind, letting it know that you no longer need or want to smoke cigarettes.


Unlike using willpower or nicotine replacement therapy, which all rely on using only your conscious mind, The Quit System uses advanced meditation techniques and hypnosis which allows us to bypass our conscious mind and our critical faculty, to erase that saboteur.  No more cravings. When your conscious and subconscious minds are working together, quitting cigarettes is easy! 


Imagine no longer having that internal fighting feeling "I want a smoke" "but I shouldn't", imagine having a cup of coffee, wine, beer, or any other activity and being smoke free, free from the chains of cigarettes, having to hear your family and friends nag you to stop, free from having to find somewhere to smoke when you are out, imagine all the extra money you will have, how healthy your body could become, how much extra time you will have, what an amazing role model you will be and all the other incredible benefits of being a non-smoker. 


Are you ready to quit cigarettes and be free? 

Click the button to visit the quit system website for more information


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